
Farm Credit Mid-America celebrates Rochester office relocation


On Thursday, the Fulton County Chamber of Commerce board of directors and ambassadors joined Farm Credit Mid-America regional representatives to celebrate the relocation of Farm Credit Mid-America’s Rochester office to 226 Rouch Place Drive.

After a ribbon cutting ceremony led by Senior Closing Specialist Linda Wagner, guests were invited to tour the new facility and learn more about Farm Credit Mid-America’s offerings for Fulton, Marshall, and Pulaski County residents.

“The investments you see here at our Rochester office reflect our ongoing commitment to remain part of this community and meet our customers’ agricultural loan, lease, crop insurance and rural living needs for many years to come,” says Joe Murphy, Financial Officer. “As part of our commitment to Rochester and the surrounding areas, we will continue to invest in programs, scholarships and partnerships that sustain strong, vibrant communities and equip the next generation of agricultural leaders.”

Chamber Executive Director Jillian Smith congratulated Farm Credit Mid-America on their recent move and thanked them for choosing to invest in Fulton County.

Farm Credit Mid-America Rochester office is open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and available by phone at (574) 212-0298.

In photo: From left: Back – Chamber Ambassadors Julie Shriver, Christian Singleton, Randy Wynn, Chamber Board Members TJ Garner, Chuck Gibbons, Cory Good, Kendra Chudzynski, Taylor Showley

Front – Jake Bockover, Luke Erickson, Joe Murphy, Jason Wilson, Tasha Schwenk, Linda Wagner, Miranda Sroufe, Shira Coppes, Megan Greer, Tammi Parker, Tom Sloma, Natalie Schwartz (all of Farm Credit)

About Farm Credit Mid-America

A proud member of the Farm Credit System, Farm Credit Mid-America exists to secure the future of rural communities and agriculture as a leading provider of reliable, consistent credit and financial services to farmers, producers, agribusinesses and rural residents in Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee. The customer-owned cooperative serves more than 137,000 customers and manages a portfolio of $38 billion in total assets owned and managed. Farm Credit Mid-America’s products and services include loans for real estate, operating, equipment, rural living, crop insurance and vehicle, equipment and building leases. For more information visit

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