In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, special emergency relief funds have been created at the Northern Indiana Community Foundation (NICF) to support their fund affiliates in Starke, Fulton and Miami counties.
Both the Fulton County Community Foundation and the Starke County Community Foundation have created the Fulton County Emergency Relief Fund and the Starke County Emergency Relief Fund respectively. These funds will provide for community needs which arise from the COVID-19 virus. Donations will be used to address community needs related to the pandemic and situations that may arise because of it.
The Miami County Community Foundation has donated $5,000 to help kick off a food relief effort sponsored in partnership with United Way of Miami County. This collaboration will help Miami County pantries with a food relief drive through April 30, 2020.
Donations made to these efforts will be used locally and 100% of the gifts will be used to address community needs related to this pandemic.
Gifts can be made online to support the Fulton County Emergency Relief Fund and the Starke County Emergency Relief Fund by clicking on the Donate Button on nicf.org. Checks may be made out to the NICF and mailed to P.O. Box 807, Rochester, IN 46975. Please specify which county relief fund the donation will benefit.
To help with the Miami County food relief effort, mail donations to the United Way of Miami County at 13 E Main St., Peru, IN 46970 or contribute online at www.uwmiamip.org. Donations will be deposited into an emergency food relief fund where all gifts will support Miami County individuals and families left vulnerable by the pandemic.
For more information, please contact the NICF office at 574-223-2227 or visit nicf.org.