
Bookings and Blotter – Jan. 10, 2025

The following information is summarized from the records of city, county and state police agencies.

Jail Bookings

The following person was recently booked at the Fulton County Jail:

• Calvin Hickey, 20, Bremen, was arrested Thursday on a warrant charging him with failure to appear in court on an original charge of nonsupport of a dependent. He was taken into custody at the jail and held on a $600 cash bond. 

Police Incidents

• At 6:38 a.m. Thursday, a resident of 1122 Madison St., after reviewing video from a secuity camera, reported that someone attempted to open their garage door by shoving a paddle board underneath it. In a related incident, two bags of salt were stolen from 1113 Main St., allegedly by the same suspect. Additionally, a neighbor had stuff thrown about their yard. 
• At 3 p.m. Thursday, an owner of Rochester Motel, 2147 Southway 31, reported that they had not seen a tenant for a few days and there was a hungry, barking dog left in their room. 

• Vehicles driven by Marissa D. Wilkinson and Mark C. Figlio collided around 9 a.m. Thursday at Ninth and Main streets. Police records indicate that both vehicles were driveable following the crash. 
• At 3:55 p.m. Thursday, Braxton J. Mollett reported that he fell asleep behind the wheel and hit another vehicle at Main and 15th streets. Police records list the other driver as Dmitriy Andrianov. 

• At 3:46 p.m. Thursday, a man residing in the 1200 block of Bancroft Avenue reported that a key for a storage unit was stolen out of his truck. 

Extra patrol
• At 4:45 p.m. Thursday, police received a request for extra patrol in the 200 block of Pontiac Street due to someone driving recklessly through the neighborhood multiple times. 

• At 5:36 p.m. Thursday, police received a report that a man and woman at 313 Westwood Lane were outside fighting and throwing things at each other. An officer spoke with both parties, whom stated the altercation was verbal only. They were advised to keep it down. 

Drug trash
• At 8:50 p.m. Thursday, an officer was requested to pick up a syringe found in Kroger, 2040 Peace Tree Village. An employee said it appeared to be a COVID vaccine but did not wish to taken any chances.