
Bookings and Blotter – Jan. 21, 2025

The following information is summarized from the records of city, county and state police agencies.

Jail Bookings

The following people were recently booked at the Fulton County Jail:

• Michael W. Holbrook, 39, 9750 S. State Road 25, Rochester, was arrested Sunday on preliminary charges of driving while intoxicated causing endangerment and leaving the scene of a property damage crash. He was taken into custody by state police at Wabash Avenue and Brown Avenue and later released on his own recognizance. 

• Dawson R. Oliver, 25, 449 E. 850 South, Rochester, was arrested Sunday on a preliminary charge of driving while intoxicated causing endangerment. He was taken into custody by state police at State Road 25 and County Road 100 South and later released on his own recognizance.

• Celerino Tehuintle-Temoxtle, 28, 7557 Main St., Rochester, was arrested Monday on preliminary charges of driving while intoxicated, driving without ever obtaining a license and possession of marijuana. He was taken into custody by state police on Olson Road near County Road 900 West and later released on his own recognizance. 

• Kale G. Westerhoff Sr., 67, 6378 Maple Lane, Rochester, was arrested Monday on a warrant charging him with failure to register as a sex offender. He was additionally charged with possession of methamphetamine when taken into custody by sheriff's deputies at 430 W. Ninth St. He is held without bond.  

• John D. Wentzel, 35, 1007 Franklin St., Rochester, was arrested Monday on preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia, as well as a warrant issued out of Marion County. He was taken into custody by city police along railroad tracks between Ninth and 12th streets. He is held without bond.

Police Incidents

• At 9:17 a.m. Friday, police received a complaint that a man has been sleeping inside Ladybug Laundromat, 528 E. Ninth St. A no trespassing warning and extra patrol were requested as a result. 
• At 10:38 a.m. Friday, a man residing along Old U.S. 31 in Fulton County complained that a tree trimming crew of Duke Energy was parked on his property. Police records indicate that he was additionally upset about overclearing. He was advised that Duke Energy was within its rights and not doing anything criminal. After allegedly making vague threats, he was additionally advised if he continued there would be criminal charges filed against him. 

Animal calls
• At 11:13 a.m. Friday, police received a report about a cat being in a storage building in the 500 block of East Ninth Street. The caller did not believe anyone was giving it food or water. Animal control was to attempt to trap it and take it to the animal shelter. 
• At 3:32 p.m. Friday, police received a report that someone was trying to separate two dogs and got bit at 4540 N. 500 West. 

• A semi-truck driven by Kevin Howard, 29, of Indianapolis, jackknifed shortly before noon Friday at U.S. 31 and County Road 550 North. 
• A vehicle driven by Peyton Rose, 20, of Amboy, hit a concrete barrier at approximately 7:27 a.m. Saturday at U.S. 31 and 18th Street. Firefighters were subsequently requested for entrapment and a southbound lane was temporarily shutdown for investigation and cleanup. A bridge at the crash site also was to be checked for structural damage. 
• A vehicle driven by Robert Osborn, 80, of Culver, wrecked at approximately 9:45 a.m. Saturday at State Road 110 and County Road 300 West. The vehicle reportedly hit a utility pole before coming to a rest in a wooded area. 
• A vehicle driven by Harpreet Sighn, 31, Chestermere, went through a yard and damaged a sprinkler system at approximately 11:20 a.m. Saturday at 310 Monticello Road.

Medical calls
• At 1:11 p.m. Friday, medical personnel were dispatched to Casey's General Store, 1811 E. State Road 14, after a cashier lost consciousness. 
• At 10:04 p.m. Friday, medical personnel responded to Quality Inn, 289 McDonald Drive, on a report that a woman lost consciousness. Police records indicate that she was intoxicated, and she was to go inside for the evening after being checked over. 

• At 4:42 p.m. Friday, police documented a possible fight between two males at Good To Go, 400 N. Main St. Those involved reportedly took off behind the business after seeing an officer. 

• At 9:13 a.m. Saturday, police cited a driver with passing a school bus with its stop arm extended.
• At 7:37 p.m. Sunday, police cited a driver with speeding 90 mph in a 60 mph zone at U.S. 31 and County Road 450 North.  

Property damage
• At 5:46 p.m. Saturday, police received a report that someone driving a black Dodge Ram hit a mailbox and nearly struck someone in the area of Dogwood Drive and West Ninth Street. 

• At 8:25 p.m. Saturday, police responded to Rochester Motel, 2147 Southway 31, on a report of a fight. The altercation was determined to be verbal in nature, with one party involved leaving for the night. 

• At 11:42 p.m. Saturday, a woman reported that two men wrote derogatory things on her truck while she was inside Walmart, 2395 Main St. 

Safety concern
• Shortly before 6 a.m. Monday, police advised the state highway department that a stop sign had been knocked down at State Road 19 and County Road 100 North in Akron. 

• At 9:42 a.m. Monday, police received a report that two females shoplifted from Kroger, 2040 Peace Tree Village. The theft reportedly occurred the night before, and a store manager turned over a phone and photo ID that had been dropped by one of the suspects. 

Road debris
• Shortly before 2 p.m. Monday, police received a report that a Waste Management truck was losing its load along State Road 114 near the Wabash County line. 

• At 2:36 p.m. Monday, police received a report about a belligerent man being in the lobby of Fast Pace Health Urgent Care, 392 Rochester Crossing Drive. He allegedly was demanding to be seen and tried to come across a desk at a receptionist. He had since left, with staff advised to call police if he returned in reference to issuing a no trespassing warning. 

Fire call
• At 4:22 p.m. Monday, firefighters were dispatched to a field fire at 9211 W. 525 North.