
Community members rally together during Rochester man's cancer battle

Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 8:21 AM

By Shelby Lopez

Community members are coming together for a Rochester man after a recent cancer diagnosis has put him and his family in a financial crisis. 

Prior to receiving his cancer diagnoses of adenocarcinoma of the colon in 2024, 55-year-old Jay Reichert had not only been the main caretaker for his disabled wife, Sandra, but was also the family breadwinner and was employed at O'Reilly's Auto Parts for the the past several years.

In February, the Reichert's were given even worse news when doctors told Jay's cancer had advanced from stage 2 to stage 3 and that the cancer cells had spread to his lymph nodes. 

Despite trying to stay optimistic, the painful procedures and surgeries Jay has endured during the past few months has now left him unable to work, taking a toll emotionally, physically and financially on the Reichert family.  

With little medical coverage and no set timeline as to when they can get the financial help they need for Jay's cancer treatments, his wife, Sandra, said it's been the support from the community that's kept them afloat, providing hope in the midst of their storm. 

Sandra says businesses across Fulton County have allowed them to put a collection container to raise funds for Jay's cancer battle, and there will be several events in the next few months that will go toward helping the Reichert family as well. 

A Dine to Donate event at Wing's Etc on April 10, with 15 percent of all pre-taxed food and soft drink sales going towards Jay's battle and on May 31 Jr's Country Lanes is having a bowling event for Jay from noon to 3 p.m.

Sandra said their biggest upcoming event, however, is June 28 at the Fulton County Museum. Thanks to First Source Bank, Judi Leininger and Melinda Clinge, the event will include a fish and chicken dinner, a bake sale, 50/50 raffle, live music and more. 

For those unable to make it to the events who are still wanting to donate to Jay's Fight, a GoFundMe page at has also been established for the Reichert's. 

“We're deeply grateful for the kindness, prayers, shared posts, and donations. Friends and family are everything when you're facing a challenge like colon cancer. It has demonstrated the power of community and generosity. It's been inspiring and almost brings tears to my eyes,“ Sandra said. 

You can also follow the Jay Reichert's Fight Page on Facebook to stay updated on Jay's journey and future events they'll be having in the community.