
Culver selling Artic Cat Utility Vehicle by sealed bid

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 3:47 PM

By Kathy Bottorff

The Culver Town Council declared a 2010 Artic Cat Utility Vehicle as surplus property and will sell it to the highest bidder on January 23. 

The utility vehicle will be sold in as-is condition with no express or implied warranties.  Bidders will have an opportunity to examine the vehicle and review relevant documents.

The deadline for submitting a sealed bid is 4 p.m. on January 23.  Bids can be mailed to or hand delivered to the Culver Clerk’s Office at 200 East Washington Street.  Once opened, bids will be valid for seven days from the due date. 

Once the bid is awarded to the highest bidder, they will have five business days from notification to pick up the vehicle.  Payment will be made in cash, certified check, or money order.