
DNR urges hunters to support Hunt for Hunger program

Friday, November 1, 2024 at 11:23 AM

By Staff report

With the firearm season for deer hunting approaching, hunters are reminded that they can help their fellow Hoosiers in need by donating their harvested deer to  meat processing sites participating in the Indiana Hunt for Hungry program. 

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources is encouraging hunters to support families in need by donating deer to the Hunt for Hunger program. One deer donated can provide 200 meals for a family.

The DNR launched the Sportsmen’s Benevolence Fund in 2008 to provide an easy way for hunters across Indiana to help hungry Hoosiers in need. Since its launch, the program has grown across the state to collect thousands of deer donations, providing hundreds of thousands of meals. The program is now called Indiana Hunt for Hunger, providing a clearer name to help all understand the program’s mission.

To participate, hunters can drop off a field-dressed deer at one of more than 50 processors, which then create healthy venison burgers to distribute to food banks. Processing fees are paid for by Hunt for Hunger, so there's no cost to hunters.

To find a processor near you, visit To learn how to get involved as a participating processor, contact Capt. Jet Quillen at or 317-232-0658.