
Fulton County officials take oaths of office

Family, friends and supporters accompanied newly elected officials for a swearing-in ceremony New Year's Day at the Fulton County Courthouse.

Newly elected Fulton County officials were sworn into office during a special ceremony Wednesday, New Year's Day, in the Fulton County Courthouse.

A total of nine elected officials, all Republican, were sworn in by Fulton Circuit Judge Chris Lee. They are Commissioners Dave Sommers and Rick Ranstead, Districts 1 and 3, respectively; County Councilmembers at large Steve Fishburn, Patty Geier and Barry Baldwin; Auditor Kathy Adamson; Treasurer Jennifer Utter; Coroner Jon Good; and Fulton Superior Judge Greg Heller. 

They were joined in taking their oaths of office by the county's new deputy prosecutor, Brandy Kizer, who will oversee the Title IV-D Child Support Program and also advocate for victims of crime. 

Family, friends and supporters were seated in the courtroom's gallery for the ceremony, and snacks were provided beforehand by the Republican Women's Club. 

"I want to thank all of you that I'm going to swear in today," Lee said. "I want to say that I appreciate you, the job that you do and the willingness to put yourself out there."

He referred to the swearing-in process as a continuation of the great American experiment. He added that he's always honored to work with people in various offices and lauded the county for having a great team in place.

Browse the following gallery for photos from the swearing-in ceremony: