Duke Energy has selected three economic development organizations in northern Indiana for inclusion in its 2024 Partnership Program, which funds marketing and strategic efforts to attract new jobs and investment in communities the company serves.
“Economic development plays a vital role in the long-term growth and prosperity of the state,” said Erin Schneider, managing director of business development at Duke Energy. “Through these grant funds, we’re proud to support our local economic development partners as they work in new and creative ways to market their communities to site selectors and businesses across the world.”
Partnership Program grant funds can be used to support a wide array of marketing initiatives, including trade show attendance, website redesign, promotional materials, and presentations or tours to introduce prospective companies and site selectors to a community.
To qualify for program consideration, each applicant submitted a plan that would have a direct impact on their community’s economic growth. Grant amounts varied depending on the size and scope of the project.
This year, grants were awarded to the following organizations in northern Indiana:
Fulton Economic Development Corporation – $5,000
The Fulton Economic Development Corporation, which serves as a growth and development partner for business and industry and as a community development partner for cities and towns in Fulton County, will develop and launch a new website.
Grow Wabash County – $5,000
Grow Wabash County will revamp its marketing flyers for three industrial parks in the area, incorporating new visual and design elements as well as updated information. The organization will also contract with a professional photographer to capture new imagery of the industrial parks and available land. The grant funds will also help support Grow Wabash County’s presence at the SelectUSA Investment Summit, which connects international businesses with economic development organizations to facilitate investment deals.
Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership – $5,000
The Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership (NEIRP) will hold a three-day, three-region site selection consultant familiarization tour. Building off of the organization’s successful 2023 inaugural tour, the second annual “IN the North Fam Tour” will showcase the diverse economic opportunities, infrastructure and quality of life the region offers to businesses and individuals. The event will provide an invaluable opportunity for site consultants to gain firsthand knowledge and experience of the unique advantages and assets of the region.