
Garage sales and clean-up days approaching in Culver


The Culver clerk-treasurer is getting citizens ready for spring with several announcements.

Culver residents are asked to keep brush and sticks in a separate pile and keep the leaf piles at the curb and not in the street. The Culver Street Department will be out with the leaf truck as well as out collecting brush/branches as time permits.

The Culver Town Wide Garage Sales will be Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27. If you plan to have a sale and want to be included on the map, you can email your information to Karen Heim, the Culver Town Clerk.   Include your name, address of the sale, days you will be open and a brief description of what you are selling, or you can call the Culver Town Hall at 574-842-3140.  Citizens are asked to get the information to the Culver Town Clerk by 4 p.m., on Tuesday, April 23.

Culver’s Town Wide Clean Up and Pick Up Day will be on Monday, May 13. Place items for disposal at the curb Saturday and Sunday, May 11 and 12. The utilities crew will collect items on Monday, May 13.  When putting items out, please secure items that might blow away. Tires and hazardous waste will not be accepted.