
Jars of Love drive sets new record

Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 8:25 AM

By Staff report

To help address hunger in the community, Lutheran Health Network and community team members collected 5,984 jars of peanut and other nut butter for six area food banks.

This year's total crushes the previous record for the network collected in 2024, which was 3,392 jars. Peanut butter is a sought-after item for food banks because of its high nutritional value and long shelf life. Yet, it is one of the least donated items. According to Feeding America, food insecurity ranges in Lutheran Health Network's coverage areas from 10-15 percent, which has a dramatic impact on overall health and well-being.

“We’re proud to support our food banks each year and what a tremendous effort all of our hospitals and offices gave to the drive. We want to thank all of our community team members who stepped up this year to help support the need in our community and make a positive, healthy impact on our neighbors and families we serve,” Lutheran Hospital CEO Lorie Ailor said.

“We are grateful for the Lutheran Health Network and for the ongoing commitment to helping those in need. Your generosity ensures that a child has a healthy snack, a senior has a dependable meal, and a family receives much-needed support. A jar of peanut butter represents more than just food – it’s nourishment, care, and a symbol of community support,” said Carmen Cumberland, president and CEO of Community Harvest Food Bank.

Lutheran Health Network gives special thanks to community team members, the YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne, OPS - Optimum Performance Sports, Elevatus Architecture and Purdue University Fort Wayne, which gathered 665 jars collectively.

Organizations benefiting from the drive:
• Community Harvest Food Bank
• Feeding Tomorrow’s Future Today - Food Packs for Hungry Kids
• Wells County Food Bank
• Combined Community Services
• Miami County Helping Hands and the Salvation Army.