The Indiana General Assembly ceremoniously kicked off the 2025 legislative session Tuesday, with lawmakers to reconvene Jan. 8 to begin official business.
State Representative Jack Jordan (R-Bremen) gathered with fellow legislators at the Statehouse Tuesday for Organization Day – the ceremonial start of the 124th Indiana General Assembly.
"Organization Day is a valuable opportunity to connect with fellow state lawmakers, set priorities for the coming months and discuss the challenges our communities and state face that can be addressed during the legislative session," Jordan said.
Organization Day also includes the swearing in of new and returning General Assembly members, as well as the annual first roll call of all state lawmakers. During the first session of each General Assembly, lawmakers craft a budget to fund government services for the next two fiscal years.
"We won't return for session until Jan. 8 and must complete our work before the end of April," Jordan said.
As the new year approaches and proposals for new laws come before the legislature for consideration, Jordan encourages constituents to stay connected with him by calling his office at 317-232-9600 or visiting in.gov/h17.
"I look forward to representing our community at the Statehouse and encourage you to stay connected," he said.
Jordan adds that a valuable resource for staying engaged and informed is to visit the Indiana General Assembly's website at iga.in.gov, where one can find helpful information on proposed legislation and watch livestreams of committee hearings and session.