
North Manchester home destroyed by Tuesday storm


A family in living just outside of North Manchester is left picking up the pieces, after a storm destroyed their home on Tuesday. 

Jenny Halverson, 10475 N State Rd 13, near North Manchester, said she was watching her four small children, all under the age of 8, play outside when dark clouds rolled in. 

Halverson said the storm cut loose around 6 p.m. as she sat with her children and husband in their living room. As the winds started to increase, so did the couple's worry.  


Quickly ushering their children to the basement, Halverson said the family of six barely made it. 

Although their home was destroyed, their entire family was left unscathed. 



Halverson said this wasn't the only bad storm that's battered their home in recent times. Just last June, the couple replaced their roof after it susstained major damage from a severe storm in May of 2023. 

Still, despite the damage, Halverson is just thankful everyone is safe. Having a support system has made all the difference to their family.

As the family figures out their financial situation, they are able to stay with Halverson's parents.

Halverson, who also ran a childcare business from her home prior to the storm, was thankful she's able to continue the daycare business temporarily at her parents home. 

When asked about a GoFund Me, or any donations being accepted, Halverson said that's not something her family is looking for right now. 

Halverson said they are currently waiting on the damage assessment, along with their home owners insurance to determine the next step they need to take, depending on whether or not their home is salvageable.