In October of 2019, the Friends of the Panhandle Pathway applied through the Community Foundation of Pulaski County for a “Love your Community Placemaking Grant”.
Matching funds to a Next Level Trails grant means extension of the Panhandle Pathway.
In October of 2019, the Friends of the Panhandle Pathway applied through the Community Foundation of Pulaski County for a “Love your Community Placemaking Grant” totaling $30,000.00.
This application was approved when the Friends of the Panhandle Pathway were awarded a state funded Next Level Trails grant totaling $2.5 million dollars.
In order to receive the state NLT grant, matching community funds were required from area residents, business and organizations. These matching funds had to total at least 20% in order for the grant application to be considered. Broad local support was key to winning a state grant. The Friends of the Panhandle Pathway exceeded state requirements and were able to secure almost 25% in matching community funding. Unfortunately, grant progress was delayed for several months when the state suspended trail grant activity due to COVID-19.
All these combined grant funds are used to extend the trail north towards Tippecanoe River State Park and south to France Park in Cass County. This state grant is referred to as “Park to Park.” Work on the north trail extension recently began with the construction of the trail from the corner of Hathaway Street and Indiana State Road 14 (11th Street) to 17th Street on the northwest side of Winamac.
Official trail opening is expected soon. With this north extension, trail users will be able to walk or bicycle from the Winamac train depot north to 17th Street.
Work on the expansion at the south end to France Park in Cass County is underway as well and expected to continue into 2025.