The East ProPEL study area extends from Beech Road in Marshall County west to State Road 49 in Porter County and south on US 31 to County Road 700 North in Fulton County.
The ProPEL US 30 study team is starting Level 3 of the alternatives analysis and screening phase, and they are seeking input from those that have interest or are impacted.
The East ProPEL study area extends from Beech Road in Marshall County west to State Road 49 in Porter County and south on US 31 to County Road 700 North in Fulton County.
The ProPEL US 30 East study team will host a public information meeting for the Draft Level 3 screening in Plymouth. The meetings will be held in an open-house format with stations around the room, videos from 5 to 7 p.m., and a formal presentation at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, at Plymouth High School.
A local meeting is planned for Monday, November 18 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET at the Rochester Community High School at 1645 S. Park Road. The virtual meeting for U.S. 31 is planned for Tuesday at ProPELUS31.com.
In addition, the ProPEL US 30 East study team seeks public comments for the Draft Level 3 Screening Report. INDOT is accepting public comments online, in-person, and by mail through December 13. A virtual public information meeting will launch on www.propelus30.com on Friday, and will remain live throughout the duration of the public comment period.
Mail comments to: ProPEL US 30 East Study
115 W Washington Street #1270s
Indianapolis, IN 46204
This ProPEL US 30 East Draft Level 3 Screening Report is based on data collection efforts that began in August 2022, as well as feedback received from ongoing public and stakeholder involvement. INDOT intends to use the information, analysis, and decisions from the PEL study process to inform future federal environmental reviews conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).