
Smash Out Cancer event happening Saturday in Akron

Proceeds from annual event help people battling cancer in Fulton and Kosciusko counties

The Wheels on Fire Cancer Crusaders hosts its annual Smash Out Cancer event Saturday, Aug. 17, at the Akron Community Center.

It runs from 4-9 p.m., and proceeds support cancer care funds in Fulton and Kosciusko counties. 

Entertainment begins at 4:30 p.m., with music from Kendra Haney, Mike Bowers, Mike Love, Ed Rock and Kylene Crabb. 

Deb Collier's School of Dance will take the stage at 5 p.m.

A live auction is at 6:30 p.m. Among items up for bid will be a helicopter ride, a five-burner gas grill, a custom-made sewing table, an Adirondack chair, a fire ring, Tippecanoe Valley  sports passes, tickets to the Indianapolis Zoo and Fort Wayne Zoo, an Eastlake Skate Center package and more. 

There also will be a pie action, and food and ice cream will be available. 

The event concludes with a memorial lighting service around 8:30 p.m. in honor of those who’ve passed away from cancer.

For updates and more, visit the Wheels on Fire Cancer Crusaders Facebook page.