State Rep. Jack Jordan (R-Bremen) announces that local communities have been awarded more than $5.6 million in the latest round of the state's Community Crossings Matching Grant Program
Community Crossings provides communities funding for road reconstruction, bridge preservation, intersection improvements and other projects. This year, 245 Indiana communities will receive more than $200 million in state matching grants.
Indiana was recently ranked as the best state in the nation for overall road conditions by Consumer Affairs, Jordan said, noting a low rate of traffic fatalities and quality of roads.
Area grant recipients include:
• Fulton County, over $1 million;
• Rochester, $658,477;
• Culver, over $1 million;
• Bourbon, $45,367;
• Bremen, $456,656;
• Marshall County, $1.5 million;
• Pulaski County, $994,531.
To qualify for funding, smaller municipalities must provide a 25 percent match in local funds, while larger communities must provide a 50 percent match.
Since 2016, Community Crossings has awarded more than $2 billion to improve local roads and bridges.
Click here to view a full list of grant recipients and learn more about the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program.