
Winamac overdose leads to arrests in Pulaski County

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 3:30 PM

By Shelby Lopez

An investigation into an opiate overdose in Winamac earlier this week led to the arrest of two people in Pulaski County on Tuesday. 

According to reports from the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office, officers with the Winamac Police Department responded to an overdose on Monday, prompting an investigation that led to a search warrant being granted for a property near Francesville in rural Pulaski County.

Ballistic shields, body armor and body worn cameras were utilized to ensure safety at the scene as officers served the warrant, as well as unmanned aerial drones for surveillance. 

The Starke County Sheriff's Office also assisted the investigation by providing a police dog. 

During the search of the property, authorities found a variety of controlled substances and firearms at the residence, leading to arrest of Daniel Whited, 54, of Francesville, and Elizabeth Boyd, 37, of South Bend. 

It was noted that Boyd had an active felony arrest warrant in another county and Whited was currently on probation in Pulaski County. Investigation is ongoing.