
County board approves roadwork funding

Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 11:11 AM

By Steve Anderson

The Lawrence County Board has voted to approve a resolution to fund the 2025 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) highway maintenence program.

This action will appropriate money for township and county road repair projects.

Also approved was the bid letting for the work.

Action was taken to appropriate funding for the salary of county highway engineer Aaron Mefford.

Agreement was given to the reappointment of Sheila Schnepper as Lawrence County Assessor with a four year contract extention through May of 2029.

Gonzalez Engineering was approved to provide engineering services for a culvert replacement project on the Bridgeport Blacktop 1/2 mile south of the Billett Road.

Upon recommendation of the Building and Grounds Committee, authorization was given to hire a part time employee for the county animal shelter.

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