wako news
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has announced it has referred an enforcement action to the Illinois Attorney General against Indian Liberty LLC for that release of crude oil and saltwater brine from the company's Boyd Facility at Petrolia northwest of Lawrenceville late last week. On Friday March 15th, a release of approximately 250 barrels of crude oil and 1000 barrels of saltwater from the oil/water seperation pit at the facility was reported to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA). Operations were shut down with no additional product released. However, the release traveled about 11 miles over land into a roadside ditch and then flowed into Muddy Creek, to the Embarras River and was contained about 1.5 miles upstream of the mouth of the Wabash River. Indian Liberty has hired an environmental contractor for containment and cleanup of the release. Quantities of the crude oil and saltwater brine remain in the impacted lands and water. Cleanup activity remains ongoing.