The Lawrence County Board met in regular monthly session Wednesday at the Lawrence County Courthouse. They received a recap of the eclipse day activity here in the county and James Calvert with the Lawrence County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) summarized it as successful with no major mishaps or incidents. The Board approved the appointment of Keith Fisher to a three year term on the Lawrence Allison Fire Protection District (LAFPD). Also approved were the appointments of James W Perrott, Rob Andrews and Bruce Jones to terms on the Christy Fire Protection District. They did move to accept the resignations of Terry Andrews and Jess Angle from the E-911 Board and approved the appointments of Trent Masterson and James Calvert to fill their unexpired terms. The bids for the county 2024 township motor fuel tax maintenence program were presented and approved from county highway superintendent Aaron Mefford. It was also noted that Mark Chamness is retiring May 2nd as Lawrence County Animal Control Officer with Tim Wolfe officially taking over duties then.