

wako news

The Lawrenceville City Council met in regular monthly session Thursday night at City Hall. They were informed by Mayor David Courtney that there will be a vacancy to be filled on the council. Heather Cornwell is moving out of Ward 4 and will be ineligible to represent that area. The mayor indicated that he has 60 days to appoint someone from that ward as it's representative. Anyone from that ward who is interested in serving on the council can contact City Hall during regular business hours. The mayor did make an appointment to the City Board of Zoning Appeals. The council itself approved over $41,000 for HVAC repairs at the Armory Recreational Center and also okayed the purchase of a new truck for the Water and Sewer Department. Also approved was a resolution declaring Lawrenceville as a non-sanctuary city for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. The council did enter into an executive session to discuss a potential real estate transfer but emerged after 20 minutes and took no action. Mayor Courtney did say that the lengthy 10th Street waterline project has now been completed to alleviate low water pressure in that area.