
Lawrenceville continues looks at golf carts and city wide cleanup

Friday, January 10, 2025 at 11:26 AM

By Steve Anderson

Discussions continued by the Lawrenceville City Council Thursday evening regarding the use of golf carts and a city wide cleanup for residents.

Both issues were sent to committee for study and review and members will continue to research rules and regulations to be implemented for the use of golf carts inside city limits.

The city will get with it's contracted sanitation provider, Republic Services to see what they can offer in regard to a residential cleanup plan.

Mayor David Courtney reiterated that no firm decisions have been made on either issue.

The mayor did update the council on the wastewater treatment plant project, saying the engineering firm HMG has submitted the project plans to the state.

The council was also briefed by city water superintendent Aaron Tipsword on a new water meter reading plan that is to be implemented by his department in March. More details will be released at a later date to customers.