
Lawrenceville High School property to be debated in New Jersey

Lawrenceville City Council Thursday night voted to enter into an agreement with a legal firm based in New Jersey.

The legal effort to get rid of the former Lawrenceville High School property will be centered in New Jersey.

The Lawrenceville City Council Thursday night voted to enter into an agreement with a legal firm based in New Jersey to represent them in a bankruptcy filing by the owner of the property. That filing occurring in New Jersey led to the action, taken after a lengthy executive session with City Attorney Mike Neal.

Mayor David Courtney told GIANT fm WAKO News that they anticipated some additional legal hurdles in their effort to have the property remediated as a health and safety hazard to the community.

In other news, the council approved on second reading the annual appropriation ordinance for FY 2024-25 of approximately $6.3 million.