
Unit 20 approves tax levy and looks for bus drivers

Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 11:54 AM

By Steve Anderson

After holding a public hearing Wednesday night at its regular December session, the Lawrence County Unit #20 Board of Education moved to adopt a tax levy of just over $4.5 million.

The total is a 15.6% increase from the previous year.

Superintendent Doug Daugherty indicated the increase will go toward continuing and adding new educational programs, salaries and various building improvements for the district.

Daugherty also addressed the continuing problem of a lack of bus drivers and substitute drivers for the district. 

Various routes have had to be cancelled and parents have had to transport their children to school due to the shortage.

He added that they are working towards solutions to the problem in the second semester.

The board approved Saturday, May 3, as the date for the Lawrenceville High School Prom to be held again at Highland Woods in Vincennes.