
Wild turkeys taken on rise during Illinois archery season

Hunters in Illinois harvested a preliminary record statewide total of 1,045 wild turkeys during the 2024-2025 fall archery turkey season.

The total compares last year’s harvest of 803 and the 5-year average of 763 birds harvested.

The previous record total for fall archery season was in 2015 when 851 turkeys were taken.

The number of turkeys taken in Lawrence and surrounding counties were basically unchanged.

Lawrence was down four turkeys this season to just four harvested in 2024-2025.  Crawford County held at 8; Edwards was up two to six this season. Richland County matched the three of last year while Wabash County was up one to a total of three this season.

This season 27,422 permits were sold (excluding landowner permits) compared to 25,741 for the 2023-2024 season. The season dates were Oct. 1, 2024 through Jan. 19, 2025 and all 102 counties were open for hunting.

Harvest reports were 51% male and 49% female compared to 54% males and 46% hens last year. A total of 62% of hunters reported using crossbows versus 37% using compound bows and 1% using traditional bows.

The top five counties for fall archery wild turkey harvest this season were Fayette, 37; Jefferson, 28; Pike, 25; Marion, 24; and Jo Daviess, 23.

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