
A Few Safety Tips from the Indiana State Police

The Independence Day weekend is upon us once again! As many gather with family and friends to celebrate freedom this holiday weekend, your Indiana State Troopers encourage everyone to please do so responsibly.

In 2023, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission reported eight deaths and approximately 9,700 injuries related to fireworks use. Teens aged 15-19 had the highest number of emergency room visits related to fireworks injuries, and children aged 5-9 had the second highest number of admissions.  Firecrackers (800 injuries) and sparklers (700 injuries) were statistically the largest contributors to injuries reported.

With that in mind, the Indiana State Police would offer and encourage the following safety considerations when handling fireworks:

Alcohol and or drug consumption leads to impaired judgment. Stay sober if you are going to be the one handling the fireworks!

Fireworks should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from the reach of children.

NEVER let children handle, play with, or light any fireworks.

NEVER aim, point, or throw fireworks at another person.

NEVER attempt to re-light or fix a "dud" firework.

Spectators should be upwind of the firework display area; wind direction is a priority.

Always have a fire extinguisher or water supply, such as a hose or large bucket of water, nearby.

After a firework has finished burning, douse it with plenty of water before throwing it away to prevent starting a trash fire.

Be considerate of individuals with medical conditions sensitive to loud noises.

Public fireworks events with large crowds are not the best place to take your pets. Animals too may be very sensitive or stressed by fireworks explosions. Consider leaving them at home for their safety.

And it should go without saying- fireworks are for “OUTDOOR USE ONLY”.

Fireworks use is limited to personal property, the property of someone who has approved the use of fireworks, or a location designated specifically for the use of consumer fireworks.

More information regarding Indiana law as it relates to the regulation, sale, proper use, and criminal penalties for improper/reckless use of fireworks can be found with a quick internet search under IC 22-11-14. *Always be sure to check your local ordinances for any fireworks limitations that might exist in your specific area.

From your Indiana State Troopers, please be safe and enjoy your holiday weekend!   "Let Freedom Ring...."