
Board of Public Works & Safety Dustin's Place Request for Join the Journey Fundraising Run

Dustin’s Place provides free grief support for children ages 4 through 18 as well as adults.  Their mission is to support children and families through connection and the sharing of their grief journey after the death of a loved one.  They believe no one should grieve alone.

Viki Brown, Executive Director of Dustin’s Place appeared before the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Monday evening with a request to host their 4th annual Join the Journey in support of grieving children 5-K and 1-mile fun on April 15th.  The fundraiser will begin at 9 a.m. at 11802 Lincoln Highway east of Plymouth. 

Brown told the board everything's the same as the last three except this year they will start at 9 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. 

The route will take runners from Dustin’s Place at the Stockman Youth Center on Lincoln Highway into Plymouth using Pennsylvania Avenue to Liberty Street, then east of LaPorte Street to Kingston Road where runners will head south to Pennsylvania and back out to Dustin’s Place by Lincoln Highway.  Signs will line the race route and allow all of us to remember we are not alone in this journey!

Councilman Jeff Houin asked about security and attendance and Brown said two reserve sheriff’s deputies and two off-duty county officers will assist with security during the run.  As for attendance, Brown said for the last two years it has remained steady at 123 racers, but they hope to increase participation this year.   

Proceeds from the run will benefit Dustin’s Place. 

The motion was made to approved the request of Dustin’s Place and the Board of Public Works and Safety approve it.

Viki Brown will be our guest on today’s What’s Your Opinion Show at 9:45 a.m.