
Bourbon Town Council considers ordinances


Last week the Bourbon Town Council considered on the second reading an ordinance to restrict overnight parking on Main and Center Streets in the downtown area.

The ordinance states the overnight parking has become problematic for snow removal, emergency services and for residents who live downtown.  The town wants to regulate overnight parking to maximize the efficiency of the town and provide as safe an environment as possible.

The ordinance requires no parking in the specific area from 1 a.m. until 6 a.m. unless a business is open for business during those hours, then patrons may park in the downtown area.  Violators can be fined $50 for the first violation and $100 for each separate offense for repeat offenders. 

During the meeting, Council President Les McFarland allowed the public to comment.  With only one comment to explain the locations and timing of the restrictions, the town council approved the resolution on second reading.  The third reading will be considered in the April meeting.

The second ordinance for consideration changes about a dozen YIELD signs to STOP signs.  Public Works Superintendent Roger Terry said he has the signs, and it should take less than a week to change them out.  With no comments the town council approved the ordinance on second reading and suspended the rules passing it on the third and final reading last week.   

The Bourbon Council members were presented with the new Solar Panel Ordinance which is about 4 pages long.  The town council took no action wanting to have time to review it prior to acting on it.  The Bourbon Town Council will consider the ordinance during their April meeting.