A resident from 3B Road spoke about the condition of her road during the Public Comment portion of the Commissioner’s meeting on Monday.
Misty Callaway told the commissioners, “I’ve spoken with Jason (Peters). I wish he would have stayed because I’m very upset with him.” She said that in October of 2023, the County Highway Department oiled and put stuff down on 3B Road and Olive Road. Callaway said she was before the commissioners in 2024 talking about the issues with their road. Olive Road was fixed and repaved in the spring of 2024 but 3B Road hasn’t been done and the county should have fixed it when they did Olive Road.
Callaway told the commissioners that 3B Road is “all torn up.” The County Highway Department patches it “when they want” and when they do patch it they stay in the middle of the road and don’t give local traffic any right-of-way to pass. She said, “That’s upsetting because when you leave, you have to go around the truck and get on the brim.” Callaway said she’s called Highway Superintendent Jason Peters a couple of times and her husband has called but they don’t get a return phone call.
Callaway also told the commissioners she knows several places in the county where people are living in RVs. She believes the county has a 90-day limit per year. She said just off North Michigan Road at 4th Road there is one, and there is another one near 4th and Nutmeg, and still another one on Olive just off 4th Road. Callaway said, “I don’t want to see all this. I keep my home up just like everybody else does in the neighborhood. When I have to come in and out of town, I don’t want to have to look at that garbage.”
Commissioner Klotz asked if she filed a complaint with the Plan Department and she said she had. Callaway told the commissioners that on 3rd Road there are a bunch of little sheds that kids are living in.
Klotz asked her to get the addresses of the locations for him to look further into.