
City Attorney provides update on Comprehensive Plan subcommittee activities

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 2:00 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

The Plymouth Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee met at the end of August and heard updates from the individual subcommittees.

City Attorney Jeff Houin said the Zoning Subcommittee had to skip its August meeting but will conduct its regular meeting on September 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the Mayor's conference. They will continue working on proposed amendments to the city’s zoning ordinance to change some setback requirements.

The Building Trades Subcommittee works with the Plymouth School Corporation and the CTE Building Trades class to identify projects. No meetings are scheduled, but Allie Shook from the school and Dennis Manuwal, the city’s Building Commissioner, will let the Comprehensive Plan Committee know if they can help in any way.

Houin said the Revitalization Grant Subcommittee is working on a revised application form to allow local businesses to make exterior improvements and receive a rebate on the expenses. No meeting is scheduled, but they hope to have a draft ready to share with the Common Council soon.

The Comprehensive Plan Marketing Committee shared stickers, signs, and t-shirts during the Blueberry Festival and parade. The committee also brought podcaster and social media influencer Nate Spangle to town to create some content to promote Plymouth. You can see his first video here: MACOG is helping create an online version of the progress posters that can be shared and linked to the City's website. This committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 10:00 am at the Heartland Art Center in downtown Plymouth.

No meetings have been scheduled for the Membership or Grants/Funding Subcommittees. The membership committee continues identifying potential committee members, and the grants subcommittee is working with One Marshall County. They are getting their subcommittee organized, and they are expected to be a primary source of information.

The Empowerment subcommittee held its first meeting on August 24. It identified several focus items and has started strategizing. The subcommittee plans to meet monthly on the fourth Saturday at 10:00 a.m. The tentative plan is to meet at the Community Resource Center at 510 W. Adams Street, but the location may change.

The next Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Meeting will be on September 26 at 3:30 pm in the City Council Chambers. 

City Attorney Jeff Houin heads up the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.  They continue to add people to their email distribution list.  Laura Mann with the Mayor’s office will manage the distribution, so if you have an announcement or information to share, please send it to her at You can also invite others to join the email list.

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