
City BZA Approves Variance for Patterson's Yard Barn

Tuesday evening the Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals heard the request for a Variance of Development Standard by Brooke and Brenton Patterson who reside at 13437 Nutmeg Ridge Drive.  The variance request was to allow a shed to be placed 4.5 feet from the rear and side yard property lines instead of the required 20 feet and 15 feet.

The Pattersons said placing the shed at the city’s standards would require them to put it on the unlevel ground where there is a sloping hill.  It would also place it near the center of their backyard which already has a built-in pool and pool shed on the property. 

During the Public Hearing, there was a letter of support for the variance request from Frank and Sheila Gardner.  With no other comments, the Plymouth BZA unanimously approved the variance.