A request for a Commercial Revitalization Rebate Program Grant from Rodney Jacobs was approved by the Plymouth Common Council late last month.
Jacobs owns Seasoned Banquet Hall on Lincolnway East, the former Christo’s Banquet Center, and his wife, Tina attended the meeting to discuss the project.
The request is to install an electronic message center on the existing sign pole. The current sign requires the message board to be changed manually using a pole stick with individual letters.
The Commercial Rebate Program allows for a rebate of up to 20% of the cost with a maximum of $25,000 for any exterior improvements to a commercial building within the city limits.
Houin said a replacement for an exterior sign qualifies for the improvement grant. He told the new city council members the application process requires two quotes, and the council would use the lower of the two quotes for the rebate amount.
Newly elected City Councilman Dave Morrow asked about the rebate grant program. He said, “I thought the program was for renovating facades and buildings regardless of whether it is downtown or another area in town. I think there’s been a precedent in the past. This doesn’t seem like any kind of renovation; it seems like an additional feature that they are applying for. Is this part of what we normally do?”
Houin said the grant is available for any exterior improvements. A common request is roof replacements. The Clerk presented the ordinance which states, “such as exterior walls, roofs, facades, signs, awnings, and landscaping.”
The low quote of $32,00 was from Vanadco Signs in Argos. The city council approved a 20% match of $6,040.