The Plymouth Common Council denied the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission's request to amend the U.S. 30/Pine Road TIF District #3 project list.
City Attorney Jeff Houin explained the request to add a project for the Lifelong Learning Network to fund specialized equipment and furnishings for the Career Innovation Center at Plymouth High School for $250,000. The items would be paid for using TIF district funds.
City Councilman Dave Morrow questioned Attorney Houin about using TIF funds for a project outside the TIF district's boundaries.
Houin explained that funds could be used for a project that benefits a broader area than the TIF District. He said the Career Innovation Center will train workers across several technical fields.
Morrow had concerns that the city’s tax base was smaller than the schools. He also noted that the Council had pledged $600,000 in American Rescue Plan funds to the project. Morrow stated he wasn’t against the project but wasn’t sure the city should provide funding for specialized furnishings and equipment for what looks like the school project.
During Tuesday night’s Plymouth Redevelopment Commission meeting, City Attorney Jeff Houin explained that the City Council had denied their request. He said the council prefers to split the $250,000 for the Lifelong Learning Network’s Career Innovation Center from the funds for the consulting contract for enFocus for $60,000.
Commission President Mike Miley asked if they could submit an alternative plan for the Career Innovation Center to the city council, and Houin said they could. He said he would talk to council members now that he knows exactly what the funds will be used for. Allie Shock, Director of the Lifelong Learning Network, recently told him the funds would be used to outfit the automotive program with tools and equipment in the new building currently under construction. The automotive program will open for the 2025-26 school year.
Redevelopment Commission members will see the request for funding the $60,000 consulting contract with enFocus at their December meeting.