The Hoham Drive improvement project is nearing completion. As the main entrance into the city’s industrial park Hoham Drive was widened to three lanes with the addition of curbs, sidewalks, and utilities were moved and improved.
During this week’s Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, City Engineer Dan Sellers updated members on two street projects.
The final coat of asphalt is on and with the rain, the storm drains are working well. There is still some minor restoration work to be completed and a few punch list items for finish-up.
The city’s Community Crossing funds from 2023 are being used this year to improve both East LaPorte Street from Liberty to Kingston and Gibson Street from Liberty to Lincolnway East. This project is the two streets on both sides of Lincoln Junior High. With nearly three years of construction work on the new school, both streets needed major improvement projects. The city engineer said the curb and sidewalk project on East LaPorte Street is nearing completion although they did run into some minor changes due to obstructions from trees and hydrants, but they were able to maintain ADA compliance. Milestone will also complete a mill and fill on LaPorte Street.
Progress on Gibson Street is slower with only some saw-cut work and surveying completed. When completed there will be a new intersection created on the east end of Gibson Street where it meets up with Lincolnway East. The city engineer wasn’t confident that work would be completed before school starts.