
City golf cart ordinance passes on second reading

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 3:00 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

The Plymouth Common Council unanimously approved the second reading of an ordinance requiring golf carts using city streets and alleys to register each year. 

During Monday’s meeting there wasn’t any discussion among council members but one city resident, Clifford Young did question the $60 annual registration fee saying, “It’s outrageous.” 

He went on to say many people on fixed incomes use golf carts to go to the grocery and laundry because the cost of gasoline is high.  Young had done some research and told council members the cost of an annual sticker in Bremen is $10, while in LaPaz and Bourbon the charge is $20. The annual fee in Argos is $40, and in Culver it is $60 but he commented on there being a lot of money in that community.  He also said in Starke County a golf cart pass is $25.

Young was supportive of the fines because he said, “I follow the law.”

Golf cart committee members include council members Dave Morrow, Duane Culp, and Kayla Krathwohl.  Other members include citizen representative Steve Gorski, City Attorney Jeff Houin and Police Chief John Weir.

With no other comments from the public the ordinance passed on its second reading. The third and final hearing is scheduled for August 26.  Anyone with comments should contact their city council representative, the mayor’s office at 574-936-6717 or come to the next meeting and make your comments or suggestions in person.   

If approved on all three readings the ordinance will go into effect January 1, 2025.