
City meetings Monday evening in Town Hall


The City of Plymouth will conduct its regular meetings Monday evening, March 25th beginning at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the second-floor of City Hall.  Those attending should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor.  The meeting is also streamed live off the city’s website at using Teams.

The agenda for the Board of Public Works and Safety includes reports from various city department heads, a report from the City Attorney and the Secretary and Finance Officer.  The Board of Public Works will also approve the claims.

The Common Council meeting begins at 6:30 and will include a presentation by Marianne Peters, Executive Director of the Marshall County Solid Waste District.  Ms. Peters will be discussing the creation of a County Yard Waste Facility. 

Also on the agenda is a Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) Compliance Report for Farm Innovators, Inc and a proposal for the Employee Handbook along with an update on One Marshall County and the city’s Comprehensive Plan. 

Both meetings are open to the public and comments and questions are welcome.