The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will hear reports from city department heads during their meeting Monday evening at 6 p.m. in the second-floor council chamber of City Hall. There are no special agenda items for the board.
The Plymouth Common Council’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. has the resolution of support for Hambone LLC to obtain a state alcohol permit within the Plymouth Riverfront Development District. This request was tabled at the last meeting to allow a representative to attend and inform council members on their plans for Mila’s on East Jefferson Street. There is another tabled request and ordinance which pertains to the eight acres of ground behind Webster Elementary School that may be annexed into the city. It is unclear if there will be any discussion on these tabled items.
The city council’s agenda also includes a discussion about electric vehicles with the City Attorney Jeff Houin, and three ordinances on first reading. The first ordinance concerns the adoption of personnel policy, the second one pertains to the use of golf carts on city streets and alleys and the final one is fixing salaries for appointed officers and employees, fire and police personnel for 2025.
The City Attorney will also update city council members on ONE Marshall County and the Comprehensive Plan.