Donnie Davidson, Plymouth Utility Superintendent opened bids for the Water Improvement Projects during this week’s meeting.
There are two different projects, the water distribution project which includes the replacement and or relocation of a few of the city’s water mains. Only two companies offered bids for this work. TGB Unlimited, Inc. from South Bend gave a base bid price of $1,251,580 while Haskins Underground, Inc. from Plymouth presented a bid of $1,470,200.
The second Water Improvement Project is the complete renovation of the water tower behind the Coca-Cola facility on PIDCO Drive. This is very specialized work and companies submitted bids from several states. Utility Service Co., Inc. out of Perry, Georgia offered a bid of $1,113,400. O&J Coatings, Inc. from Hurst, TX submitted a bid of $797,000 while Seven Brothers Painting, Inc. from Shelby Township in Michigan sent a bid in for $962,400. Classic Protective Coatings, Inc. from Menomine, WI presented a bid of $1,180,410 and D & M Paint Corporation from Washington, PA gave the city a of bid of $1,254,690.
Davidson asked to have both sets of bids taken under advisement for review which the Board of Public Works & Safety approved. He will make recommendations to the board at their next meeting on Monday, June 24th.