Earlier this month, the ProPEL US 30 West Study Team hosted a public information meeting to present the Draft Level 3 Screening Report results. A virtual public information meeting is now available at proPELUS30.com/us-30-west/#PIM3!
The team will be hosting a community office hour event in Bourbon. If you would like to speak with a project team member, plan to stop by between 1 and 5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10th. The ProPEL US, 30 West study area extends from SR 49 in Porter County to West County Road 700 North in Fulton County and Beech Road in Marshall County.
The ProPEL Team still wants to hear from you! Citizens, businesses, and industries are urged to review the Draft of the Level 3 Report on the improvement alternatives and share thoughts between now and December 13, 2024.
The document can be viewed in person at the Plymouth Public Library, Argos Public Library, and Bourbon Public Library until December 13th.
Comments can be submitted via the study website at proPELUS30.com/us-30-west, or you can mail comments to:
CDM Smith Attn: ProPEL US 30 West Study Team
211 N Pennsylvania St, Suite 1750
Indianapolis, IN 46204
The phone number to call is (843) 972-4559