
Commissioners actions


During Monday’s Marshall County Commissioners meeting the commissioners approved working in the county’s right-of-way for CCI Solution, NIPSCO and a farm drainage project that will be a road cut on Beech Road between 8th Road and 9B Road. 

Highway Superintendent Jason Peters reviewed the three bids for this year’s Community Crossing Matching Grant Projects and recommended the County Commissioners accept the low bid of Milestone Contractors in the amount of $1,901,806.31 for all the projects. 

The commissioners also conducted a public hearing on the request to rezone a parcel of land for Timothy and Joan Bemish at Lake of the Woods.  The Benishs own 4 properties in 2 different zoning districts and wanted to consolidate the lots for their estate planning process.  With no comments during the pubic hearing the commissioners approved amending the zoning ordinance on all three readings.