During the Marshall County Commissioners meeting on Monday, July 1st the commissioners approved an agreement for repairs on the exterior of the jail.
Several months ago, Jail Maintenance Director John Greer came to the commissioners with concerns about cracks on the exterior concrete walls, leaky windows over the 911 Dispatch Center, and issues with the canopy over the entrance to the facility.
After seeking proposals from two engineering firms to create a scope of work Commissioner Kevin Overmyer spoke with representatives from Fabcon, the company that made and installed the original concrete panel exterior walls. Overmyer asked them to assess the issues and report on work that should be done.
Greer presented the report during Monday’s commissioner meeting. He said some of the cracks need to be addressed but the vertical cracks are as important as the horizontal cracks.
There are some rust stains from the aggregate that was used which would be remediated as part of the project scope.
The scope of work includes removing and replacing the exterior panel-to-panel caulking, repairs to rust stains, and maintenance work to the cracks. The cost was $55.106. Greer noted that Fabcon did not include removing and replacing the caulking where the panels and windows meet or where the panels and door are joined. He brought that to the attention of Fabcon and on Monday morning they emailed Greer the additional expense to add the windows and door caulking for $46,257 bringing the total project cost to $101,363.
The County Commissioners unanimously passed a motion to approve the original project for $55,106. They plan to approve the additional work at their next meeting once the official document is in hand on Monday, July 15.