During this week’s County Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Mike Burroughs discussed the County Council’s denial of funding to purchase and install a tree buffer for the residents of Park Place Estates on 9A Road east of Plymouth. The cost was over $29,000.
The rural residential subdivision backs up to the County Farm property, which now serves as an area where the County Highway Department stores materials for road projects.
Burroughs said the County Highway Department determined this was the best area to store millings, many of which the County gets for free.
When the idea came about to consider a mining operation or a storage area by the forested area on the north side of the county farm property, the neighbors in Park Place Estates were concerned. Some residents discussed their concerns with the county and suggested a buffer between their backyards and the county storage area.
On Monday, Commissioner Burroughs discussed another option with Highway Superintendent Jason Peters and Commissioners Stan Klotz and Kevin Overmyer.
Peters told the commissioners a few Park Place residents have plant gardens on the county’s property behind their homes.
During the commissioner’s meeting, it was determined that the County Highway will create an earthen berm that can be mowed as the buffer. The commissioners asked County Attorney Jim Clevenger to send letters to the property owners regarding their use of the county’s field for their gardens. If the gardens are planted next year, they will be mowed off as the Highway Department maintains the berm at the storage area.