
Commissioners don't agree on purchase of Bowen Center building

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 4:05 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

While Marshall County Commissioner Stan Klotz is ready to move forward with the purchase of the Bowen Center building at 990 Illinois Street in Neidlinger Park, the other commissioners aren’t so anxious. 

He told the other commissioners, Kevin Overmyer and Mike Burroughs that the county is under no obligation to purchase the property because there are three boards that the purchase approval must go through, the County Council for funding, the County Health Board and the Commissioners. 

He suggested putting the purchase before the County Council at $450,000 and getting it approved.  Klotz said they, the county council, seem to be in favor of the acquisition.  He said we would make an offer at $450,000 with a lease purchase agreement with a couple of years to pay for it.  Commissioner Klotz said they want a large down payment of up to $250,000 and the county would have a deadline in a year or so to complete the sale.  He said County Attorney Jim Clevenger and the Bowen Center’s attorney would create the contract. Klotz said there would be no interest on the remaining balance to pay Bowen Center for the building. 

Commissioner Klotz made the motion to send the purchase to the council for funding consideration but there was not a second. 

Commissioner Overmyer asked who would do the mowing and landscaping, who would clean the facility and about snow plowing and shoveling and Stan Klitz said the county’s maintenance department said it would be no problem.  Overmyer asked about the heating and cooling systems because they are about 20 years old. Apparently the county hasn’t seen a cooling and heating bill to determine those new costs the county would have to cover and Klotz said if another county department moves in with the Health Department they can share in those costs.   

Overmyer also has some concern with an increase in covid in the county and suggested looking at fresh air returns in building.  He went on to say, “As I’ve said in the past, I’m not in favor of moving forward.  I’ve said, I think it should be the new commissioners and the new council when they come in to make this determination because if something goes south, I not going to have someone come back and say you voted for this and I’m not here to defend myself.  I’m not comfortable moving forward.”

Commissioner Mike Burroughs agreed with Overmyer’s comments and said, “I have several questions about sending people to Dora Lane, which is difficult to get to.”  He said people still come into the County Building looking for the Health Dept. and it’s been in the Community Resource Center for several years. While Burroughs said it may be a great deal, he has concerns with the location and what is best for the people that use the facility.  He also has concerns with the long term costs with the HVAC system that may need to be modified for a health facility.  Burroughs wanted to leave the decision up to the incoming council members and commissioners. 

Commissioner Klotz reminded them that the Health Dept. is under a month-to-month lease with the potential of having no place to go.  He said if they wait until January 1st the county will waste a lot of money on rent.  He said, 6’ “It’s just a risk we’ll have to take.”  Klotz said he met with the Plymouth Building Inspector and said the building meets code as it was built and at this point everything is grandfathered in.  He said, “If that’s the case we’ll just wait and move forward January 1st.”