
Commissioners meet Monday morning at 8:30

Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM

By Kathy Bottorff

The Marshall County Commissioners will hear the first reading of an ordinance modifying the Personnel Policy Handbook, be updated on the County Highway Department, and consider a request from Community Corrections Director Beau Holcomb to apply for a grant.  Holcomb will also present a memorandum of understanding with the Safe Supported Community for consideration.

Also on the agenda is an update from the County Attorney and Auditor and a chance for public comments. Under Commissioner Items, there is a request to remove REMC electricity from the old EMA building, the Plan Commission contract for services, and the Council on Aging Grant agreement. The Commissioners will also hear on the first reading an ordinance for On-Site Sewage Amendment and Restatement and receive information from the MACOG traffic count on 4th and Olive Roads. 

The commissioners will then recess until 10:30 and conduct the annual 2025 Bid Opening. 

The Commissioner’s meeting is streamed live on YouTube off the county’s website at  The meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.