With County Plan Director, Ty Adley, leaving his position at the end of November, President of the County Plan Commission, David Hostetler updated the County Commissioners Monday on the Plan Commission’s status of finding a replacement for Adley.
Hostetler was hopeful that Adley would agree to assist the county until a replacement could be hired. Following the commissioner’s meeting, Hostetler, Commissioner Stan Klotz, County Attorney Jim Clevenger, and the HD Director met with Adley who said he would continue to assist the county until the end of December. It is not anticipated that a replacement will be found before Adley leaves or probably not even by the end of December so another option will probably be needed.
Hostetler gave the commissioners information on a potential temporary solution. Deborah Luzier is the contracted Plan Director for Boone County and works as a temporary Planning Director. She is willing to assist Marshall County. Her contract cost is $150 an hour plus mileage.
The Marshall County Plan Commission is responsible for hiring and firing the plan director. They could recommend to the commissioners a memorandum of understanding with the City of Plymouth to have Adley continue assisting the county part-time through the end of the year but that MOU must be approved by the commissioners. If an interim director is needed the Plan Commission would make that recommendation to the commissioners and ask them to approve and sign the contract for that individual.
Commissioner Klotz presented the idea of having Culver’s part-time Building Inspector, Steve Gorski, serve as an interim until the right person can be hired. Hostetler said, “I’ve not heard a lot of good feedback on that.” Klotz said, “Unfortunately I have. I should say, fortunately, I’ve heard the opposite. It’s another option we could look at.”
It was noted that a special meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled for December 3rd and a regular meeting on December 10.
The commissioners also motioned to have Commissioner Klotz sign the claims and payroll for the Planning Department until a department head is hired.