
Common Council supports Hambone's Riverfront Development District alcohol permit

Monday, July 29, 2024 at 12:05 AM

By Kathy Bottorff

Tiffany Harrel, the manager of Hambone LLC, the corporation that recently purchased Mila’s at 213 East Jefferson Street, appeared before the Plymouth Common Council last week to explain the plans for the store.

Two weeks ago, the council tabled Hambone’s request for city support to obtain a Riverfront Development District alcoholic permit for the store/restaurant.   Councilman Duane Culp wanted to hear their plans on alcohol sales before putting support to obtaining a permit from the state.

At last week’s meeting, Tiffany Harrel, Mila’s manager told the council they plan to apply for a permit to serve beer, wine and liquor with on premises food sales.  There will be no carry out sales.

When asked if they plan to offer outside seating, she said maybe next summer.  The floor plan for both inside and outdoor seating next summer must be approved by the state before the permit is approved. 

After hearing the plans for the future of Mila’s members of the Plymouth Common Council unanimously put their support behind Hambone  LLC to obtain a Riverfront Development District 3-way alcohol permit.