
Congressman Yakym to Serve as Vice Chair of Transportaion & Infrastructure Committee

Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-02) released the following statement after being selected to serve as Vice Chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Aviation Subcommittee:

“I am deeply grateful to Chairman Sam Graves for his confidence in selecting me to be vice chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Aviation Subcommittee, as well as to my friend, colleague, and Subcommittee Chairman Garret Graves for his support.  

“In this FAA reauthorization year, the work of our Subcommittee is more important than ever. I look forward to working with my colleagues to uphold the gold standard of safety Americans expect and deserve when they fly and making crucial investments in our nation’s aviation technology and infrastructure.” -Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-02)

“As Aviation vice chairman, Congressman Yakym will play a key role in one of the Committee’s top priorities this year, major long-term legislation to improve the safety and infrastructure of our nation’s aviation system. I look forward to working with him in that effort.” -Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (MO-06)