The Marshall County Council had several appointments to make, including a representative to the county's plan commission. Councilwoman Deb Johnson was reappointed to serve on the Plan Commission.
The Marshall County Council has reappointed Maria Keller as its representative on the Alcohol & Tobacco Commission. They also appointed Councilman Tim Harman to the MACOG board and Shannon Lunetta to the Culver Economic Development Board.
Additional appointments by the county council were Becky Carswell to the Fair Board, Councilman Will Patterson to the Extension Board, Councilman Steve Gorski to the EMA Advisory Board, and Councilman Brandon Schadek to the Technology Committee.
Council members Nicole Cox and Tim Harman were appointed to the Central Dispatch Committee, Steve Gorski to the Solid Waste District Management Board of Directors, Jim Masterson to the Unsafe Building Board, Steve Gorski to the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and Will Patterson to Courthouse Security. Other appointments to subcommittees include council members Brandon Schadek, Jim Masterson, and Steve Gorski to the Highway Subcommittee, Tim Harman, Deb Johnson, and Nicole Cox to the Budget and Finance Subcommittee, while Jim Masterson, Deb Johnson, and Nicole Cox will serve on the Job Classification and Compensation Subcommittee.
The final appointment by the County Council was Nicholas Witwer to One Marshall County.