
County Council Meeting Thursday Evening

The Marshall County Council meets tonight at 6 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room of the County Building.  This meeting it open to the public and comments are questions are welcome.

The agenda for the meeting includes adopting the use of Consent Agenda for approval of minutes and budget adjustments. 

Ken Jones from Jones Petrie Rafinski will address the council on the creation of the Regional Sewer District.  He will explain the process and the make-up of the board and who makes appointments to the board.  He will also discuss the need for ARP funds to help get the county’s Regional Sewer District up and started. 

The County Council will hear requests to apply for grants from Ward Byers of Community Corrections, and Christie Johnson from Superior Court III the Drug Court who is seeking a grant from the Indiana Office of Court Services for Problem Solving Courts and one from the Local Drug Free Community. 

Sheriff Matt Hassel will present the biannual Commissary Report and a request to apply for the DNR Marine Patrol Grant while Deb VanDeMark from the County Park Board will ask for support for an additional appropriation of funds that weren’t expended last year for the cabin relocations project.

County Council members will consider additional and transfer appropriation requests, discuss the joint Commission Council work session scheduled for February 20th at 11A.M., consider a Resolution to rescind the Blue Zones commitment and establish a fund for Domestic Cannabis Eradication.